- 18+ RX Male & Female
- 18+ SCALED Male & Female
- 35-44 RX Male & Female (must be 35 years + on or before the 4th of August 2018)
- 45-99 RX Male & Female (must be 45 years + on or before the 4th of August 2018)
There will be 3 qualification WODs which will be announced on 1/06/2018, 09:00 (Slovak local time). All athletes must submit their scores until 17/06/2018, 23:59 (Slovak local time). The best athletes will be invited to take part in the finals on 3th and 4th of August 2018
Team athletes will compete in following categories:
- RX Teams consisting of 2 Male + 2 Female
- RX Couples
- 1 Male + 1 Female
- 2 Male
- 2 Female
Finals’ dates breakdown:
3-4 august finals for all categories